So, you went to see an energetic healer who told you have an under-active throat chakra? Hmm…what???
Our chakras when not used or used excessively can get under-activated or over-activated. For example, a person who yells constantly, who is a bully might have an over-activated throat chakra and/or an over-activated solar plexus chakra.
When a person is timid, shy, doesn’t really say too much, or just kind of blends in with the wallpaper, he or she might have an under-activated throat chakra and/or under-activated solar plexus.
An under-active chakra or an overactive chakra impacts us in numerous ways. On a physical level, If the throat chakra is blocked, we might develop thyroid issues. If the solar plexus is blocked, we might develop digestive issues.
Crystals can help us correct the situation. They can be used to boost an under-active chakra, tone down an overactive one, as well as remove any blockages. Blockages are stagnant energy in the body. When stagnant energy is held in the body for too long, it creates illnesses.
Understanding where the chakra falls in the spectrum is very important. Knowing which stone to use is just as important.
Base Chakra
A person who has an overactive base chakra might be stubborn, unwilling to change, fixed, unmovable closed-minded.
Stones to help include Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Rainbow Obsidian
A person who has an under-active base chakra might be erratic, flaky, disorganized, has a hard time managing simple tasks.
Stones to help include Hematite, Smoky Quartz
Check out these stones in the Base Chakra section.
Root Chakra
A person who has an overactive root chakra might be too overly cautious, materialistic, greedy, overly defensive, belligerent, and impatience.
Stones to help include Red Calcite, Red Tiger Eye, Red Aventurine
A person who has an under-active root chakra might feel inadequate, a sense of lacking, not enough, hoarding, insecure, feels stuck, have bladder issues.
Stones to help include Shiva Lingam, Tiger Iron, Hematite
Check out these stones in the Root Chakra section.
Sacral Chakra
A person who has an overactive sacral chakra might be overly sexual, insensitive, maniac, overstep boundaries, aggressive.
Stone to help include Orange Calcite, Dravite aka Brown Tourmaline, Red Jasper
A person who has under-active sacral chakra might have difficult procreation issues, being too sensitive, having a hard time saying no, low sex drive, intimacy issues.
Stones to help include carnelian, fire agate, fire opal, tangerine quartz
Check out these stones in the Sacral Chakra section.
Solar Plexus Chakra
A person who has an overactive solar plexus chakra might feel superior to other, egocentric, have anger issues, have a hard time taking orders from others, experience acid buildup or even ulcers.
Stones to help include Honey Calcite, Dravite, Yellow Tiger Eye
A person who has an underactive solar plexus chakra might lack confidence, has low self-esteem, indecisive, wishy-washy, lack concrete direction in life, feels frustrated, difficulty in saying no to people, might have digestion issues.
Stones to help include Fossilized Wood, Pyrite, Jet
Check out these stones in the Solar Plexus Chakra section.
Heart Chakra
A person who has an overactive chakra might be too generous, always giving.
Stones to help include Pink Calcite, Green Tourmaline, Green Aventurine, Rhodonite
A person who has an under-active chakra might feel unloved, need to seek approval from others, have a hard time receiving love, unable to let go of the past, might suffer from depression.
Stones to help include Rose Quartz, Pink Tourmaline, Malachite
Check out these stones in the Heart Chakra section.
Throat Chakra
A person who has an overactive throat chakra might have a very powerful voice, speak too loudly, dominate the conversation, abusive, dismisses other people.
Stones to help include Blue Calcite, Angelite, Blue Aragonite
A person who has an under-active throat chakra might have a difficult time being heard, fear of speaking up, fear of sharing his or her opinions, fear of rejection.
Stones to help include Aqua Aura Quartz, Blue Kyanite, Blue Aventurine
Check out these stones in the Throat Chakra section.
Third Eye Chakra
A person who has an overactive third eye chakra might be paranoid, obsessive, see the trees but not the forest.
Stones to help include Clear Calcite, Sodalite, Ametrine
A person who has an under-active third eye chakra might be ADD, forgetful (forgetful not in the sense of old age), be lost in life.
Stones to help include Herkimer diamond, Iolite, moonstone, blue fluorite
Check out these stones in the Third Eye Chakra section.
Crown Chakra
A person who has an overactive crown chakra might have a hard time with the mundane aspect of life, lack self-disciplined, feel ungrounded, feel spiritually superior to others.
Stones to help include White Calcite, Fluorite, Smoky Quartz
A person who has an under-active crown chakra might feel disconnected from God or Source, unable to understand the bigger picture in life, adhere to social norm, believe in we are different mentality.
Stones to help include Celestite, Herkimer Diamond, Selenite
Check out these stones in the Crown Chakra section.
Transpersonal Chakra
A person who has an overactive transpersonal chakra might take on the world’s problem as their own, might go too far in trying to create a clean slate of their karmic debt, might take spirituality to a whole new and over the top level.
Stones to help include any Base Stones
Check out these stones in the Base Chakra section.
A person who has an under-active transpersonal chakra might feel disconnected from Universal love and truth, being lost on one soul’s journey, feeling a separation from living life.
Stones to help include any Higher Heart Stones
Check out these Higher Heart stones.