How many heart stones can you list? How do you remember what they all mean?!?!?!?

Just remember one or two main keywords for each stone. Below is a partial list of heart chakra stones and their related keywords I have associated with them. 

  • Amazonite - Communication from the heart

  • Chrysoprase - Mindful thinking

  • Dioptase - Forgiveness

  • Emerald - Dorothy finds her home

  • Epidote - Self-awareness

  • Fuchsite - Sense of peace

  • Green Aventurine - Growing with love

  • Green Calcite - Purging

  • Green Jade - Protective love

  • Green Opal - Light at the end of the tunnel

  • Green Tourmaline - We can heal the world

  • Kunzite - Bridging the time gap between past and present

  • Malachite - Courageous leader

  • Mangano Calcite - Pure bliss 

  • Morganite - 5D love

  • Moss Agate - I, me

  • Nirvana Quartz - Love from the heavens

  • Peridot - Purity in love

  • Pink Calcite - Letting go

  • Pink Opal - Baby love

  • Pink Tourmaline - Healing from deep scars

  • Prehnite - I am loved

  • Rhodonite - Healing heart wounds

  • Rhodochrosite - Compassion at its best

  • Rose Quartz – All encompassing love

  • Tugtupite – Courage meets self-love

  • Unakite - Blending families

  • Watermelon Tourmaline - Healing from traumas