If you want to remove blocks in your life, UNCLUTTER!

The #1 feng shui tip - toss out broken, unfixable, “to be fixed”, collecting dust, doesn’t fit, souvenirs from bad relationships…stuff sitting in your home.


  • Career stalling

  • Financial drains

  • Addictions

  • Relationships going nowhere

  • Health issues

If cleaning or decluttering your home seems overwhelming….start with one drawer, one desk, one closet, one room.

Did you feel it???  Is that energy…moving???  Wait, what? Did you just get a new job? A promotion? Did you meet someone special? Or maybe you are finally introduced to a medical specialist who can help you with your health?

Notice the small (it always starts small) and (balloon to) big changes happening in your life.

Book a Feng Shui Consult